Google Arts & Culture: Al-Jazari's Elephant Clock

Explore how a 12th-century water clock worked and the secrets carried within its intricate parts

This 1001 Inventions online exhibit on Google Arts & Culture presents the ingenious elephant clock, one of Al-Jazari’s greatest masterpieces.

More 1001 Inventions in Google Arts & Culture

Once Upon a Try brings to life many interactive stories from 1001 Inventions that highlight the legacy of the golden age of science in Muslim civilisation that stretched from Spain to China. Through the Google Arts & Culture creative platform, online visitors can discover the secrets behind the masterpiece elephant clock by the ingenious engineer Al-Jazari and learn how its intricate parts reflected cultural and technological influences from across Muslim civilisation. Also to explore how pioneers of astronomy in Muslim civilisation built powerful observatories, and named galaxies, stars and features on the moon. 1001 Inventions features stories about physicians from a lost history, prominent master navigators and many other men and women who made significant breakthroughs that still influence our world today.

Google Arts & Culture